Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
Pinned issues
libwebkit2gtk-4.0 not available in Ubuntu 24 & Debian 13 repositories
#9662 opened by happybeing
[Windows] Trojan alert from windows defender and other anti-virus providers
#2486 opened by Shotman
- 1
[bug] tauri2.0 Initial project launch failed in windows
#12716 opened by PRHyzzza - 1
[feat] get html source from webviewWindow
#12714 opened by winter-lau - 1
Script Insertion
#12712 opened by psytron - 1
[feat] webviewWindow.eval(js code) need return result
#12713 opened by winter-lau - 4
[bug] Cannot build according to the installation tutorial
#12709 opened by cyear - 0
[bug] Shows about:blank instead of the expected file
#12708 opened by Epigeos-com - 1
[bug] `tauri add` doesn't detect package manager correctly in pnpm workspaces
#12706 opened by hazelmeow - 0
Uncaught forbidden path error when using writeFile from @tauri-apps/plugin-fs
#12704 opened by ProfNuru - 1
how to get result from front
#12699 opened by Dear-Jn - 1
Third-party Android SDK integration issues
#12672 opened by Hi-Mr-Wind - 3
[bug] vite failed to load resource in the webkit2gtk
#12696 opened by ldseraph - 0
- 2
[bug] can not install `tauri-cli`
#12697 opened by NobbZ - 1
[bug] window.__TAURI_INTERNALS__ sometimes undefined
#12694 opened by Elendiar - 2
[bug] Is there any way to pass secrets(environment variables) to sidecar while spawning it
#12693 opened by Deadrohan19 - 1
Sidecar not running in bundle build (Mac)
#12690 opened by lutfi-haslab - 1
[bug] [macos] Failed to setup app: error encountered during setup hook: unsupported platform
#12689 opened by drernie - 6
[bug] Unable to render data in Svelte.js correctly
#12686 opened by kands-code - 1
[bug] {new Store('app-data')}Always reporting errors
#12633 opened by tuyangJs - 4
[bug] Occasionally, the build process gets stuck on 'Performing Streamed Install'.
#12680 opened by tinyvan - 1
[bug] Window decorator error in KDE wayland desktop
#12685 opened by witt-bit - 0
- 0
[bug] Prevent `.app` in identifier
#12674 opened by Hacksore - 1
- 2
- 3
[bug][mac] Fetch API cannot load ipc://localhost/plugin%3Aevent%7Cemit due to access control checks.
#12662 opened by BTMuli - 1
[feat] Vite `proxy` support
#12664 opened by ZzzzzzzSkyward - 6
[feat] Change taskbar menu in Tauri window 10
#12654 opened by Iamdyy - 4
How to use other HTML and jsx?
#12656 opened by NanaChaaaang - 0
[bug] `setAsHelpMenuForNSApp` is not working
#12652 opened by oscartbeaumont - 2
- 1
[bug] Playing music through audio element in the web, when android app falls back to background, music pauses, when restoring the app to foreground again, music continues.
#12650 opened by vfiee - 2
[feat] Is it possible to hide sidecar.exe from being inside same folder of application.exe ?
#12631 opened by Ali-Khazaee - 0
[bug] Menu item needs two click to register an event
#12649 opened by sharky98 - 3
- 1
support HarmonyOS NEXT
#12640 opened by sgm51357 - 0
[bug] Tauri fails to build project with err: Unknown Scheme: cannot make HTTPS request because no TLS backend is configured
#12639 opened by Azmekk - 3
[bug] Font rendering differs in browsers and Tauri
#12638 opened by kands-code - 1
Macos allow manual permissions
#12635 opened by DimitriTimoz - 0
[feat] Ability to set Android app as launcher/kiosk mode
#12634 opened by alectrocute - 0
- 0
[bug] Tauri app crashes when opening devtools (Pop!_OS)
#12622 opened by Silzinc - 1
[bug] linker `lld-link` not found
#12628 opened by jonahfang - 2
[bug] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.__TAURI_OS_PLUGIN_INTERNALS__.platform')
#12624 opened by RainyNight9 - 0
[bug] Broken handling of windows when moving them between screens with different scaling
#12626 opened by dgerhardt - 2
[bug] AppImage Bundles generate a non working AppRun.wrapped
#12608 opened by jourdain - 1
[feat] An API to get the sidecar path
#12621 opened by hatched - 0
- 0
[bug] Problem in
#12615 opened by felek000 - 1
[docs] Configure Gradle to use the signing key
#12612 opened by felek000