
This is the mobile template setup by cargo mobile.

Cargo mobile

Build with cargo mobile for our tests and simplicity of use.

cargo install --git https://github.com/BrainiumLLC/cargo-mobile

Init the template

Move into this repo and then:

cargo mobile init

If you don't know your apple team id yet. Best way for now is create another directory and init the mobile project to find it. And then replace it in mobile.toml.


Open the project in XCode

cargo apple open

Important: You need to link Webview Framework in build settings

wry-mobile > General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content > Webkit.framework

Run on your connected phone

cargo apple run

If you haven't trusted the device, go to Settings > General > VPN 與裝置管理(what's the english name of this lol) to trust the device.
