
React App Data Persistence w/ Express API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSC 436 Web Applications - Lab 5


The initial implementation of our react app used json-server to mock a REST API for simplicity. Now to make the app more scalable, flexible, and kind of production ready with a proper backend, we used Express.js with MongoDB replacing josn-server.

Previous Setup Current Setup
Backend json-server Node.js with Express.js
Database db.json file MongoDB Atlas

Key Changes

1. New Backend Setup

  • Set up a Node.js server using Express.js
  • Configured routes for handling API requests (/auth/register, /auth/login and /todo)

2. Integrating the Database

  • Replaced the json-server database with MongoDB Atlas
  • Utilized Mongoose for to define schemas (i.e. User, Todo), for data validation, and building queries

3. Changing the API Endpoints

  • Redefined the API endpoints to work with the newly created Express.js routers
  • Implemented the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using Mongoose functions

4. User Authentication

  • Added user authentication using JSON Web Tokens
  • Passwords are securely hashed before being stored in MongoDB using bCrypt

5. React Frontend Integration

  • Updated the API endpoints in the React frontend to match the new backend
  • Handled asynchronous data fetching and state management based on the new backend structure