
React App Stateful Refactoring

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSC 436 Web Applications - Lab 3

User Management:

  • Added userReducer.js for manageing user related actions such as LOGIN, REGISTER, and LOGOUT.
  • Updated the login and register components to be controlled components using useState hook.
  • The UserBar component now dynamically renders Login and Register or Logout based on the user state.

Todo Management:

  • Added todoReducer.js for managing todos and supporting actions like CREATE_TODO, TOGGLE_TODO, and DELETE_TODO.
  • The CreateTodo component has been updated to be a controlled component which enables instant feedback and resets the form when submitted.

Reducers Used:

  • userReducer: Manages the user state (whether a user is logged in or out).
  • todoReducer: Manages the todo list including creating, toggling completion, and deleting todos from the list