
My basic emacs24 setup

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Emacs server

Copy emacs.service to ~/.config/systemd/user/ and do systemctl --user enable emacs to enable the server on boot. Start it manually with systemctl --user start emacs. Then use emacsclient -c instead of emacs when editing files. Use -nw to not open a GUI.


  • Ensure ~/.emacs does not exist
  • Clone this repository into ~/.emacs.d
  • git submodule init
  • git submodule update
  • Install GNU Global from http://www.gnu.org/software/global/
  • Install pep8 and pyflakes (e.g. sudo apt-get install pep8 pyflakes)
  • To use pdf-tools, do M-x pdf-tools-install
  • To use mu4e to read mail, follow the directions in init-mu4e.el


  • For a slightly more emacsy experience, dont load init-godmode.el in init.el


  • For faster loading, do C-u 0 C-c M-x byte-recompile-directory RET ~/.emacs.d/ RET (if this config has not been loaded, omit C-c)
  • For best experience, always start emacs with emacsclient -c -a "" (bind it to a hotkey!)
  • For better theme when running with no window, you may wanna add this to your .bashrc: export TERM=xterm-256color


  • Check init-c.el for details on completion in C
  • In Python mode, do
    • C-c C-r to execute the selected region
    • C-c C-z to open a python shell for the current buffer.
    • C-c C-c to run the current buffer - with prefix (C-u) to also execute code in __name__ == "__main__" block
  • In any mode, open magit status buffer with C-x g
  • With init-godmode.el loaded, use RET to toggle god-mode. Use F7 to toggle between RET sending newline and toggling god-mode. In god-mode:
    • press <key> to send C-<key>
    • press SPC <key> to send <key>
    • press g <key> to send M-<key>
    • press z to re-send previous command
  • Projectile:
    • C-c p p to switch project
    • C-c p f to find file in project
    • C-c p c to compile project (with prefix C-u to set compile command)
  • Non-standard navigation bindings:
    • M-n and M-p to move up/down in smaller steps than C-v and M-v without moving point
    • C-S-n and C-S-p to move point up/down a few lines


  • Magit control characters instead of colors - do git config --global --edit and set color.diff to auto