linter-jade package

A jade linter that uses three linters (because at the moment they provide different errors and warnings :/)

  • the official jade compiler
  • jade-lint jade-lint is a new project and isn't feature complete yet, so the compiler catches some errors that it doesn't. Options are configured via a .jade-lintrc file
  • jadelint Same issue as above. Options via a .jadelintrc file (docs)

The naming between the two linters isn't exactly helpful! I plan to remove the compiler whenever that is possible


Linter package must be installed in order to use this plugin. If Linter is not installed, please follow the instructions here.

Plugin installation

$ apm install linter-jade


None at the moment :/ File issues if you want new features ;) If anyone has any ideas as to how to properly "lint" jade, also let me know, as the default lexer/tokenizer just throw the first error and it's not always useful output.