A tool that allows you to print to file all content you are subscribed to on onlyfans including content you have unlocked or has been sent to you in messages.
- 1
am i dumb?
#84 opened by Devouredsoul - 1
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
#81 opened by Xenonfish - 1
Single Onlyfans Account
#82 opened by marlonpriest - 2
Skip all posts
#80 opened by ShitHappensOnly - 1
accommodate photos and videos
#56 opened by BragnarXIX - 9
Every requests return http 400 Bad Request
#58 opened by ChristophvdF - 10
status is staying down
#60 opened by mariascary - 1
Save Path Not Working
#55 opened - 1
- 5
Program just closes as soon as it starts to scrape the content (tried everything i thought of and it didn't work)
#53 opened by MrAidxn - 5
object has no attribute split
#46 opened by RoyDJ84 - 8
Download Paid Content not working
#54 opened by Firesei - 4
Unable to download
#59 opened by yangsss717 - 1
specific post
#61 opened by Zewaria - 1
- 1
wth does this even mean and how do i fix it
#63 opened by mariascary - 1
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
#73 opened by dvkrav - 1
How to solve this?
#74 opened by XingGW - 1
User Error in setting up Save Location
#75 opened by TheSeductiveOtter - 1
requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
#76 opened by 4DeepThought2 - 2
OF-scraper bug
#77 opened by macedonac - 2
Keep getting an error
#78 opened by HitoSantos - 1
onlyfans-scraper Issue
#79 opened by Pahblow1 - 2
Installed with pip and the win32_setctime module did not get installed causing undesirable behavior in the program
#48 opened by AwkwardCauliflower - 3
- 26
auth failed
#57 opened by Zewaria - 1
Request: resolve import issues for newbie programmers in vscode (ImportError from .api import init)
#36 opened by LuminairPrime - 1
'onlyfans-scraper' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
#41 opened by VeloGOATeur - 0
Updating the profile did not allow it to connect, but a new profile worked
#44 opened by CountParadox - 0
Can't Find "__main__" Module
#35 opened by kammererN - 2
onlyfans-scraper: command not found
#31 opened by ShadowBruh5 - 0
Issue: command line options not working?
#32 opened by LuminairPrime - 12
missing files?
#28 opened by mschairspam - 0
Liking all posts hasn't worked for awhile
#25 opened by Bun-Bun - 1
Getting Errno 11001
#24 opened by fckthsshtcool - 3
not running after install
#21 opened by iamrobbietechie - 3
failing on first run
#19 opened by datkidpatrick - 3
Status - DOWN // Not able to use the scraper
#17 opened by jeanbono4425 - 1
Cannot install
#18 opened by Ogwalla - 0
Rename files/folders when downloading
#11 opened by zaaaaap