
Primary LanguageRuby


After pulling:

$ bundle install
$ sudo -u postgres psql
psql> create role everyway with createdb login password 'password1';

#Edit pg_hba.conf file:
sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
#change in line: "local  all all  peer"  peer to md5
#So it should be:
local   all     all     md5

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

$ rake db:prepare
$ rake db:migrate
$ rails server

Acces application at: http://localhost:3000

Heroku: http://everyway.herokuapp.com/

##Obstacles and Facilities names:


  • stairs
  • slope
  • high curb
  • footbridge
  • cobbles


  • elevator
  • elavator platform
  • ramp
  • low carb
  • parking place?