Tool to examine the behaviour of setuid binaries under constrained limits.
- adraelll
- ajxchapman
- bdmcbri
- chris-ddg
- cloudburstAustin, TX
- denisse-dev@ArchLinux @wikimedia
- DevenLu
- fdcarl
- felipenspBrazil, Somewhere
- flavioheleno@kahu-app & @picpay
- frezboSidero Labs
- fvrmatteo
- gh-fml
- hectormMadrid, Spain
- henices
- IntenseWiggling
- johnclausThe Front Range
- jordanpotti
- jvoisinGoogle
- kevieniceland
- kwilczynskiRed Hat
- kyprizel
- lemuellewPlanet Vegeta
- ligurio
- piger@zendesk
- psanford@slackhq
- roycewilliamsGCI (AK) | ALPCA | Team Hashcat
- sharmsSnowfoundry
- Sija
- Silentsoul04
- teichopsia
- tomtasticAmazon AWS (@aws)
- Tr4cer0
- windows1988
- yanyuan2021
- zkarfreak