
3rd Meeting of the Vancouver R Users Group

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

wifi & links

BootupLabs – getshitdone

If you don’t already have R installed on your laptop, install it while we are doing introductions!

view the files online: https://github.com/tavisrudd/r_users_group_3

or download files (zip, tgz etc.): https://github.com/tavisrudd/r_users_group_3/zipball/master https://github.com/tavisrudd/r_users_group_3/tarball/master


Tavis Rudd @tavisrudd https://github.com/tavisrudd/

David Dossot @ddossot https://github.com/ddossot

Rob James aetiologic@gmail.ca

Thanks to our Sponsors!

Mozilla for hosting tonight

Pulse Energy for hosting the previous meetups

Revolution Analytics for general sponsorship


For the Group Not just about R! Data management, analysis and visualization in general Meetings every 1 or 2 months Mix of talks and interactive coding sessions Today Enjoy 2 Talks Continue learning (or help others do so) Line up speakers for next meeting in Oct

David Dossot - R Service Bus

Rob James - 3 Essential R Libraries

You - collaborate on some basic exercises

Please work in teams of 4 with people you haven’t met before.

If you are experienced with R, help others.

If you aren’t a programmer or don’t have R installed, team up with others.