
Homework 3: Конфигурирование и запуск проекта dbt

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Homework 3: : Конфигурирование и запуск проекта dbt

В рамках ДЗ вы попрактикуетесь в развертывании Clickhouse, запуске проекта dbt и работе с github actions.


  • Модель витрины в dbt проекте доработана, хранилище строится успешно.


  • Ссылка на PR в gihub с "зеленым" пайплайном

Полезные материалы:

Lab plan

1. Configure Developer Environment

You have got several options to set up:

Start with GitHub Codespaces

GitHub Codespaces

Use devcontainer (locally)

  1. Install Docker on your local machine.

  2. Install devcontainer CLI:

    Open command palette (CMD + SHIFT+ P) type Install devcontainer CLI

  3. Next build and open dev container:

    # build dev container
    devcontainer build .
    # open dev container
    devcontainer open .

Verify you are in a development container by running commands:

terraform -v

yc --version

dbt --version

If any of these commands fails printing out used software version then you are probably running it on your local machine not in a dev container!

2. Deploy Infrastructure to Yandex.Cloud with Terraform

  1. Get familiar with Yandex.Cloud web UI

    We will deploy:

  2. Configure yc CLI: Getting started with the command-line interface by Yandex Cloud

    yc init
  3. Populate .env file

    .env is used to store secrets as environment variables.

    Copy template file .env.template to .env file:

    cp .env.template .env

    Open file in editor and set your own values.

    ❗️ Never commit secrets to git

  4. Set environment variables:

    export YC_TOKEN=$(yc iam create-token)
    export YC_CLOUD_ID=$(yc config get cloud-id)
    export YC_FOLDER_ID=$(yc config get folder-id)
    export $(xargs <.env)
  5. Deploy using Terraform

    Configure YC Terraform provider:

    cp terraformrc ~/.terraformrc

    Get familiar with Cloud Infrastructure: main.tf and variables.tf

    terraform init
    terraform validate
    terraform fmt
    terraform plan
    terraform apply

    Store terraform output values as Environment Variables:

    export CLICKHOUSE_HOST=$(terraform output -raw clickhouse_host_fqdn)
    export DBT_PASSWORD=${TF_VAR_clickhouse_password}

    [EN] Reference: Getting started with Terraform by Yandex Cloud

    [RU] Reference: Начало работы с Terraform by Yandex Cloud

3. Check database connection

Configure JDBC (DBeaver) connection:


DBeaver + Clickhouse

Make sure dbt can connect to your target database:

dbt debug

dbt + Clickhouse connection

If any errors check ENV values are present:

env | grep DBT_

4. Deploy DWH

  1. Install dbt packages

    dbt deps
  2. Stage data sources with dbt macro

    Source data will be staged as EXTERNAL TABLES (S3) using dbt macro init_s3_sources:

    dbt run-operation init_s3_sources

    Statements will be executed one by one to avoid error:

    DB::Exception: Syntax error (Multi-statements are not allowed)
  3. Describe sources in sources.yml file

  4. Build staging models:

    dbt build -s tag:staging

    Check model configurations: engine, order_by, partition_by

  5. Prepare a data mart (wide table)

    Join all the tables into one f_lineorder_flat:

    dbt build -s f_lineorder_flat

    Pay attentions to models being tested for keys being unique, not null.

5. Model read-optimized Data Mart

Turn the following SQL into dbt model f_orders_stats:

    , count(DISTINCT O_ORDERKEY) AS num_orders
    , count(DISTINCT C_CUSTKEY) AS num_customers
    , sum(L_EXTENDEDPRICE * L_DISCOUNT) AS revenue
FROM -- PLEASE USE dbt's ref('') to ensure valid DAG execution!

Make sure the tests pass:

dbt build -s f_orders_stats

6. Create PR and make CI tests pass

If it works from your terminal, commit, open PR and trigger automated testing with Github Actions

Github Actions check passed

Delete cloud resources

⚠️ Attention! Always delete cloud resources after you finished!


terraform destroy