Sylius Product Subscriptions Plugin

Plugin that add the possibility to receive an email notification when a product return in stock


Subscribe to get a Notification when a product return in stock

Subscription for simple product Subscription for simple product

View your subscriptions in the apposite section of your account

See the apposite section in the my account

View your client subscriptions in the apposite admin section

See the apposite section in the admin account


  • PHP ^7.4
  • Sylius ~1.8.0


  1. Run composer require tavy315/sylius-product-subscriptions-plugin.

  2. Add the plugin to the config/bundles.php file:

Tavy315\SyliusProductSubscriptionsPlugin\Tavy315SyliusProductSubscriptionsPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
  1. Import the plugin routes by creating a file in config/routes/tavy315_sylius_product_subscriptions_plugin.yaml with the following content:
  resource: "@Tavy315SyliusProductSubscriptionsPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
  1. Import required config in your config/packages/tavy315_sylius_product_subscriptions_plugin.yaml file:
   - { resource: "@Tavy315SyliusProductSubscriptionsPlugin/Resources/config/app/config.yaml" }
  1. Finish the installation by updating the database schema and installing assets:
bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
bin/console assets:install
bin/console sylius:theme:assets:install