
Draw MR Sequence Diagrams for LaTeX / MetaPost

Pulse Sequence Graphics

The files “pulses.mp” and “seq.mp” found in this repository were originally created by Mark J White for his PhD Thesis and were hosted at his website celos.net, which unfortunately does not exist anymore. A snapshot is available in the Internet Archive here, though. According to his website: You’re free to use, modify or copy the files in any way you like, as long as you credit Mark with copyright and authorship for the bits he wrote, and understand that it comes without any kind of guarantee. As a further note: Two of the macros found in pulses.mp, namely tablegrf and xtablegr were written by T. A. Wilkinson and can be found in his blog here.

This repository contains a MetaPost file called pulses.mp which contains a set of macros for easily generating MR Pulse Sequence Diagrams programatically. It also contains a file called seq.mp with examples of how to use the macros.

To generate example images from those files simply run:

mpost seq.mp

For this to work, MetaPost has to be installed in the system, which should be the case if you have a proper LaTeX distribution. Should ImageMagick also be installed, it is possible to convert images to PNG by calling convert -density 300 input.mps output.png. Alternatively, to include .mps files directly into a LaTeX file you can use the graphicx package and add a \includegraphics{input.mps} wherever the figure should be included.


FID Acquisition


Spin Echo Fragment


Gradient Echo Fragment


Slice Selection Fragment


Readout Encoding Fragment


Phase Encoding Fragment with Spin Echo


Multislice SE volume acquisition


3D GRE with EPI Factor 3


Echo Symbol
