SFND 2D Feature Tracking

Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory in the top level directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./2D_feature_tracking.

Install OpenCV on Ubuntu machine

Steps to install are taken from OpenCV's official instructions, but since we are going to use some algorithms from xfeatures2d.hpp and xfeatures2d/nonfree.hpp an additional flags need to be set.

# Download and unpack sources
wget -O opencv.zip https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/master.zip
wget -O opencv_contrib.zip https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/archive/master.zip
unzip opencv.zip
unzip opencv_contrib.zip

# Create build directory and switch into it
mkdir -p build && cd build

# Configure, need to set flag for non-free, and contrib (extra module)
# --Note-- Check note below.
cmake -DOPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=ON -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../opencv_contrib-master/modules ../opencv-master

# Build (this step will take quite long)
cmake --build .
make -j8

# Install
sudo make install

In configure step, make sure to check an output message. It should show something similar to the following lines.

<some other messages>
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/xxx/Documents/Udacity/build

If not, you problably missing some required libraries. Read through the output messages to figure out what's missing, then delete and create another build directory and try to run the configure command again.

Make Visual Studio recognize OpenCV

After install OpenCV successfully, you will have the following directory installed on your system (with default install path).

  • /usr/local/bin - executable files
  • /usr/local/lib - libraries (.so)
  • /usr/local/cmake/opencv4 - cmake packages
  • /usr/local/include/opencv4 - headers
  • /usr/local/share/opencv4 - other files

In Visual Studio Code:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+p to bring up the drop-down menu.
  • Select C/C++: Edit Configurations (UI)
  • In C/C++ Configurations tab, in Include path section, put in OpenCV's header directory's path.
  • Put path to header file directory as /usr/local/include/opencv4/**, the preceeding /** tell the IDE to search for header files within the subfolders as well.
Dropdown menu pop-up after press Ctrl+Shift+p
In Include path section, add /usr/local/include/opencv4/**

When done, you should be able to see a command list

command pallete

Comparing Detector performance


When consider a result from difference detector applied on the same set of images, we can see that ORB detector provide the highest ratio of keypoints within our focus area versus the whole frame (around 20%), and also taken shortest amount of time required (except only the first frame).

Shi-Tomasi Detector

Note : Keypoints are dense and distributed across the frame.

Shi-Tomasi Detector
frame in focus / overall frame time taken (ms)
1 125 / 1,370 12.2891
2 118 / 1,301 10.5040
3 123 / 1,361 12.1816
4 120 / 1,358 25.8814
5 120 / 1,333 26.3410
6 112 / 1,284 10.3645
7 114 / 1,322 12.6713
8 123 / 1,366 26.7295
9 111 / 1,389 10.3175
10 112/ 1,339 23.3157

Harris Detector

Note : Provide very few keypoints compare to other methods.

Harris Detector
frame in focus / overall frame time taken (ms)
1 17 / 115 13.1214
2 14 / 98 9.98241
3 18 / 113 9.41177
4 21 / 121 11.7941
5 26 / 160 19.0837
6 43 / 383 21.7991
7 18 / 85 10.3319
8 31 / 210 13.4019
9 26 / 171 10.8883
10 34 / 281 14.1609

BRISK Detector

Note : Provide dense keypoints with different sizes and lots of overlapping. Many keypoints are on feature like overhead bridge and trees, which is irrelevant to us.

BRISK Detector
frame in focus / overall frame time taken (ms)
1 264 / 2,754 34.4952
2 282 / 2,777 33.5084
3 282 / 2,741 35.5564
4 277 / 2,735 33.5147
5 297 / 2,757 32.6085
6 279 / 2,695 32.7244
7 289 / 2,715 32.6185
8 272 / 2,628 31.9206
9 266 / 2,639 32.1965
10 254 / 2,672 31.9817

ORB Detector

Note : Majority of keypoints are overlapping and have about the same size. Good amount of keypoints are in our focus area (more than 20%).

ORB Detector
frame in focus / overall frame time taken (ms)
1 92 / 500 97.0611
2 102 / 500 5.69152
3 106 / 500 5.91319
4 113 / 500 5.91422
5 109 / 500 5.91738
6 125 / 500 6.58725
7 130 / 500 5.82986
8 129 / 500 5.75667
9 127 / 500 6.22600
10 128 / 500 6.42212

AKAZE Detector

Note : Keypoints are distribute evenly across the frame, not many of them overlapping. Most of the keypoints have the same size.

AKAZE Detector
frame in focus / overall frame time taken (ms)
1 166 / 1,351 49.1474
2 157 / 1,327 46.4223
3 161 / 1,311 57.9569
4 155 / 1,351 55.1364
5 163 / 1,360 45.0736
6 164 / 1,347 45.2190
7 173 / 1,363 47.7028
8 175 / 1,331 50.1518
9 177 / 1,358 45.2005
10 179 / 1,331 47.6290

SIFT Detector

Note : Keypoint are of the difference size, few of them are overlapping.

SIFT Detector
frame in focus / overall frame time taken (ms)
1 138 / 1,438 96.0854
2 132 / 1,371 75.8349
3 124 / 1,380 76.8312
4 137 / 1,335 73.9495
5 134 / 1,305 75.2970
6 140 / 1,369 76.7962
7 137 / 1,396 93.4424
8 148 / 1,382 77.3562
9 159 / 1,463 77.3701
10 137 / 1,422 76.7884

Compare Detector & Descriptor pair

Number of matched keypoints and descriptor extraction time from various Detector and Descriptor pair are listed below.

HARRIS Dectector

HARRIS Detector with BRIEF, ORB, FREAK and SIFT Descriptor

FAST Dectector

FAST Detector with BRIEF, ORB, FREAK and SIFT Descriptor

BRISK Dectector

BRISK Detector with BRIEF, ORB, FREAK and SIFT Descriptor

ORB Dectector

ORB Detector with BRIEF, ORB, FREAK and SIFT Descriptor

AKAZE Dectector

AKAZE Detector with AKAZE Descriptor

SIFT Dectector

SIFT Detector with BRIEF, FREAK and SIFT Descriptor


By taking an average number of macthed descriptor and extraction time of all 10 frames, we can conclude the data together. As the data shown, combination of BRISK Detector with BRIEF Descriptor yield the best average keypoints matched and description extraction time.

The Top-3 Detector&Descriptor, judge from both number of keypoints and extarction time is then:

  • 1st BRISK Detector with BRIEF Descriptor
  • 2nd BRISK Detector with ORB Descriptor
  • 3rd BRISK Detector with SIFT Descriptor
BRISK Detector with BRIEF Descriptor yield the best average keypoints matched and description extraction time.

From above table, BRISK Detector yeild highest number of keypoints matched, which we can infer that the keypoints and BRISK detect has both quantity and resilient cross frames. In term of Descriptor, both BRIEF and ORB took shortest time for descriptor extraction compared to another three.