Transit Test

Interview test for Transit App.


1- A main assumption made is that the first character of a stopId represents the route ID of that stop. This assumption was only made from observation of the stops.txt file provided to me.

2- I am not using any database within the project, the data is loaded from stops.txt file when it is required. However, it is only loaded once on demand and the data is stored in 2 maps: one indexed by stopId and another indexed by routeId. The stops.txt file is stored in src/Transit/data/transitId/ where transitId can be MTA for the MTA transit. The loading and searching of a stopId should work with other transits provided stops.txt. However, the stops.txt I recieved does not have the full columns that is defined by the gtfs specifications. So the program is expecting stops.txt with the following columns only:


The STM stops.txt was added just to test the funcitonality of loading different transit stops.txt. The original file was modified to remove columns to match the stops.txt I recieved for MTA. The data was downloaded from STM developers page However some assumptions I made do not work in this case. For example the stop id does not follow the same format. A station starts with STATION_ With the assumption that the first character represents the id of a route, this does not work.



The application is expecting environment variable MTA_API_KEY which is the API Key for MTA API


npm install


npm run dev

Runs the application.


npm run clean

Removes any built code and any built executables.


npm run build

Cleans, then builds the TypeScript code.

The built code will be in the ./dist/ directory.


npm run test

Runs the tests in src/*/.test.ts


npm run test:watch

Runs the tests in src/**/*.test.ts and watch for any test changes or file modifications.


npm run bundle

Cleans, then builds, then bundles into native executables for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Your shareable executables will be in the ./exec/ directory.


npm run docs

Builds documentation to ./docs/ directory.

Packages Used

  • Inquirer, for interactive command line user interface
  • axios, for http requests
  • csv-parse, for parsing csv file
  • dotenv, for accessing the environment variables
  • gtfs-realtime-bindings, for decoding GTFS Realtime protocol buffer data
  • moment, for formating time
  • Pkg, for building cross-platform native executables
  • typedoc, for generating documentation

Packages Dir

The application is making use of csv-parse/sync. When bundling the app, the sync part of the library was not being bundled because it is not exported from the index.js of the module. And pkg is looking at exports from the module.

packages directory contains a modified version of the csv-parse with the sync parse function exported from index.js. Which allowed for the bundling to work.