
Node.js package for sending multicast notifications using HTTP/2 multiplexing through the FCM HTTP v1 API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


npm version

Send multicast notifications using HTTP/2 multiplexing through the FCM HTTP v1 API.

Supported features:

  • HTTP/2 session & stream concurrency
  • Token batching support
  • Uninstall detection
  • Retry mechanism


First, install the package using npm:

npm install fcm-v1-http2 --save

Then, start using the package by importing and instantiating it:

const fcmV1Http2 = require('fcm-v1-http2');

// Create a new client
const client = new fcmV1Http2({
  // Pass in your service account JSON private key file (https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/_/settings/serviceaccounts/adminsdk)
  serviceAccount: require('./service-account.json'),
  // Max number of concurrent HTTP/2 sessions (connections)
  maxConcurrentConnections: 10,
  // Max number of concurrent streams (requests) per session
  maxConcurrentStreamsAllowed: 100

// Populate array with any number of FCM device tokens
const tokens = ['ccw_syAXSNOY9ml-Kqh9wo:APA91bHAEQccW1ZpbPvsGc0LFyjEthAt_GZO7HkBGiKounM................uIDEHijb4UR5f3dhyjhO5IbiWhJAA7RVp63KSFCg384PR7nfKADReWUONEJlCnHo15WwZagVTmFcgW'];

// Set FCM API v1 message params
// https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/fcm/rest/v1/projects.messages#Message
const message = {
    data: {
        // Set custom payload
        message: 'Hello World'
    android: {
        // Burst through Doze mode
        priority: 'high'

// Send the notification
client.sendMulticast(message, tokens).then((unregisteredTokens) => {
    // Sending successful
    console.log('Message sent successfully');

    // Remove unregistered tokens from your database
    if (unregisteredTokens.length > 0) {
        console.log('Unregistered device token(s): ', unregisteredTokens.join(', '));
}).catch((err) => {
    // Sending failed
    // Log error to console
    console.error('Sending failed:', err);


  • Node.js v12 or newer


Apache 2.0