
Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

tawk.to Live Chat

Free live chat widget for your site


The tawk.to Live Chat app makes it easy to monitor and chat with visitors on your website. Be there when they need you with unlimited messaging, ticketing and your own Knowledge Base — all 100% FREE.

Compatible with all modern browsers, tawk.to was created in response to the growing need for businesses to respond in real time, with real people.

Never lose another lead or sale again — tawk.to offers iOS, Android, Windows and Mac OSX apps to keep you connected wherever you go.

Don’t have a tawk.to account yet? Create one here.

Extension Types

  • Plugin - this is a system plugin that will load the tawk.to widget in every webpage.
  • Module - this is a module that will load the tawk.to widget on pages you have assigned the module to display.

Installation and Configuration

For a detailed installation guide, please refer to Joomla Help Center Article.


  1. Download the plg_tawkto-<release_version>.zip from the latest release.
  2. In the Joomla administration panel, go to Install Extensions.
  3. Drag and drop the zip file or click Or browse for file and select the zip file.
  4. Then click Manage and search for tawk to find the newly added extension.
  5. Use the enable toggle next to the module to enable it.
  6. To sign in to your tawk.to account, click on Plugins from the Extensions menu.
  7. Search for tawk and click System - tawk.to Plugin.
  8. Now sign into your account and you're done!


  1. Download the mod_tawkto-<release_version>.zip from the latest release.
  2. In the Joomla administration panel, go to Install Extensions.
  3. Drag and drop the zip file or click Or browse for file and select the zip file.
  4. Then click Manage and search for tawk to find the newly added extension.
  5. Use the enable toggle next to the module to enable it.
  6. To sign in to your tawk.to account, click on Modules from the Extensions menu.
  7. Search for tawk and click the tawk.to Module.
  8. Now sign in to your account, make sure the status is set to Published and you're done!

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit our Help Center for answers to FAQs