Oubliettes & Dragonnes

Kirkland brand dungeon crawler SIM

✒️ Tawnee Harris, David Sterry & Jeff Chiu

03 Feb 2021

🧑‍💻 Contributers

Name GitHub Profile
Tawnee Harris tawneeh
David Sterry Dave-Sterry
Jeff Chiu jeffchiudev


{TODOThis is a detailed description of your application. Its purpose and usage. Give as much detail as needed to explain what the application does, and any other information you want users or other developers to have. }

User Stories

Click Here

US ID# Description Completed?
US01 As user, I should be able to create a character with unique stats true
US02 As user, I should be able to modify character stats true
US03 As user, I should be able to create an inventory false
US04 As user, I should be able to level up my character false
US05 As user, I should be able to create a character true

Site link

Click here to visit the site.

Setup/Installation Requirements:

Software Requirements:

  1. Internet browser of choice. Chrome is suggested.

  2. A code editor like VSCode or Atom to view or edit the codebase.

Open by downloading:

  1. Download this repository onto your computer by clicking the 'clone or download button'.

  2. This page utilizes Node package manager and requires local files to be installed. Once you've cloned the repository and it's accompanying config files, use the following command npm install to install the necessary NPM files to display correctly.

  3. Type npm run build to compile the page into the distribution directory with a new index.html and new bundle.js file..

  4. Type npm run start to begin a live server to view the page.

Open via Bash/GitBash:

  1. Open terminal window and navigate to/create desired repository location.

  2. Clone this repository onto your computer by using command: git clone https://github.com/jeffchiudev/TODOexample-repo

  3. In the directory where you've cloned the repository, open in Visual Studio Code with code . or preferred text editor.

Testing Specifications:

Click Here

Description Input Ouput

Known Bugs:

Currently optimized for desktop browsing. Smart device integration will be added soon.

📫 Support and contact details

Please feel free to reach out anytime:

Technologies Used:

{TODOTell me about the languages and tools you used to create this app. Assume that I know you probably used HTML and CSS. If you did something really cool using only HTML, point that out.}

License: MIT

Copyright (c) 2021 Jeff W. Chiu, David Sterry, and Tawnee Harris