Hello 🙂, I'm Thomas

Data Analytics & Software Developer Student at Openclassrooms

mail linkedin github

👩‍🎓 Freshly graduated from OpenClassrooms Data Science course

🔭 I’m currently working on my Software Developper Portfolio and optimising my Data science course projects

📌 I’m focusing on learning more about Django and Django REST Framework and improving on my Frontend development skills

💼 I'm looking for job opportunities around Paris & London or remote in Data Analytics & Python/Django development.

⚡ Languages and Tools

python django html5 css3 bootstrap react docker aws azure google-cloud circleci heroku postman powerbi tableau

const thomas  = {
  pronouns: "He" | "Him",
  Languages: ["Python", "JavaScript", "SQL"],
  askMeAbout: ["Finance", "Data", "Analytics", "Software Development",  "Runner Addict 🏃‍♂️"],
  technologies: {
    backEnd: {
      Python: ["Django", "DjangoRest", "Flask", "FastAPI"],
      js: ["Nodejs" (Basics)], 
    databases: {
      SQL : ["MySql", "PostgresSQL", "sqlite"],
      NoSQL : ["TinyDB", "MongoDB", "Cassandra", "DynanmoDB", "CosmosDB"], 
      ORM : ["DjangoORM", "Peewee", "SQLAlchemy", "Prisma"]
      Data Analytics : {
            Data Analysis : ["Numpy", "Pandas", "Scipy", "PySpark"],
            Visualization : ["Matplotib", "Seaborn", Bokeh],
            Business Intellingence :  ["Tableau", "PowerBI"],
            Machine_learning : ["Scikit-learn", "StatsModels"],
            DL, AI, NLP : ["Tensorflow/keras", "Spacy", "OpenCV"],
            BigData : ["Hadoop", "Apache Spark", "Apache Airflow"]
    frontend: {
      lang: "Html", "CSS", "Javascript"
      librairies : "Bootstrap", "jQueries", "SAAS", "Redux", "react-router-dom"
      Framework: ["ReactJS", "NextJs"],
  currentFocus: "Exploring the world of Data Science and running machine learning models in the Field of Finance ",
  hobbies: ["Athlete" :"I am in love with Running 🏃‍♂️"], ["Audio Books" : "I listen most of the sefl-developpement audios book and Motivationnal track]

I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! 😊

Github stats:

GitHub followers

Last Updated on 23/02/2023


Top languages does not indicate my skill level or anything like that. It is just a metric of which languages have been hosted by me on GitHub based on the usage across repositories. There are others which I haven't put up on GitHub. Some of my projects are hosted on my compyter (my localhost) or are clients projects that can't be shared.