
a demodulator for the 2400Hz ook modulation (requires a rtl-sdr compatible SDR-stick)

Primary LanguagePython

2400Hz on-off-keying-demodulator

what is on-off-keying?

wikipedia quote:

On-off keying (OOK) denotes the simplest form of amplitude-shift keying (ASK) modulation that represents digital data as the presence or absence of a carrier wave. In its simplest form, the presence of a carrier for a specific duration represents a binary one, while its absence for the same duration represents a binary zero.

stuff required

  • SDR-stick (or use sample-files)
  • rtl-sdr
  • python
  • gcc
  • python-matplotlib, python-tk (only for debug)


  • swu-ook-demod.py: The demodulator for 2400Hz ook (help is available with -h). Output is written to stdout.
  • swu-ook-crc.py: Used to caluclate the crc for each frame and for bit-visualisation (also displays characters).
  • fir.c: 100-tap FIR filter (low-pass ~3khz).


  • compile fir filter with gcc -o fir fir.c and make it executable chmod +x fir
  • run everything and show bitstream: rtl_fm -s 48k -C -f 155461000 -g 40 | ./fir | ./swu-ook-demod.py | ./swu-ook-crc.py | grep bits
  • debug mode (shows plot for every frame): rtl_fm -s 48k -C -f 155461000 -g 40 | ./fir | ./swu-ook-demod.py -d
  • the plot pauses the process, to continue just close the plot (ctrl+w)


  • each byte is sent in reverse (mirrored), so take care (swu-ook-crc does)