
Deeply detect object mutations at runtime

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status codecov

Mutation Sentinel

Mutation Sentinel helps you deeply detect mutations at runtime and enforce immutability in your codebase.


So you decided to optimize your React app with PureComponents, but you also know that mutations can cause stale rendering bugs when mixed with PureComponents. Mutation Sentinel allows you to incrementally detect and fix the mutations in your code, and enforce immutability along the way.


npm install --save mutation-sentinel


Wrap object (including arrays) and functions with makeSentinel to detect mutations. Calling makeSentinel with a value that cannot be wrapped will simply return the value itself.

import makeSentinel from "mutation-sentinel";
// const makeSentinel = require("mutation-sentinel").default;

const obj = {};
const wrappedObj = makeSentinel(obj);
wrappedObj.value = "oops";
// console: Mutation detected by a sentinel!

This also works with arrays:

const array = [];
const wrappedArray = makeSentinel(array);
// console: Mutation detected by a sentinel!

And even deeply nested objects!

const obj = {array: [{}]};
const wrappedObj = makeSentinel(obj);
wrappedObj.array[0].value = "oops";
// console: Mutation detected by a sentinel!

Best of all, the stack trace gives you the exact line in the code where the mutation occurs 😲

function foo(obj) {

function bar(obj) {
  obj.value = "oops";

const obj = {};
const wrappedObj = makeSentinel(obj);

// console: Mutation detected by a sentinel!
// Stack trace:
//   ...
//   bar         @ VM478:6  <-- Mutation
//   foo         @ VM478:2
//   (anonymous) @ VM478:11


Your army of sentinels can be reconfigured globally at any time:

import {configureSentinels} from "mutation-sentinel";
// const configureSentinels = require("mutation-sentinel").configureSentinels;

  shouldIgnore: obj => {
    // return true to NOT wrap obj with a sentinel
  mutationHandler: mutation => {
    // respond to the mutation however you want

Here is an example configuration

The mutation object in mutationHandler has the following flow type:

type Mutation =
  | {|
      type: "defineProperty",
      target: Observable,
      property: string,
      descriptor: Object,
  | {|
      type: "deleteProperty",
      target: Observable,
      property: string,
  | {|
      type: "set",
      target: Observable,
      property: string,
      value: any,
  | {|
      type: "setPrototypeOf",
      target: Observable,
      property: "[[Prototype]]",
      prototype: ?Object,

// Only objects (including arrays) and functions will be wrapped by sentinels.
type Observable = {} | (() => mixed);

Browser Compatibility

This library relies on the Proxy object. For browsers that do not support Proxies, makeSentinel simply returns the original object and no mutation detection occurs.

Flexport's Use Case

Due to the size of Flexport’s app, we decided to purify our components incrementally. Since the sentinels can be reconfigured dynamically, we enabled and disabled the mutationHandler on a route by route basis.

Here is the general approach that we took:

  1. Wrap all of our flux store records with makeSentinel.
  2. For the route we want to purify, configure the mutationHandler to log mutations to the console in development, and Sentry (our error reporting service) in production.
  3. Deploy sentinels to production and fix the mutations as they are detected.
  4. Once all the mutations are fixed, change mutationHandler to throw in development and no-op in production.

To fix the mutations, we used a combination of array spreading, object spreading, and the immutability-helper library.


  • Since the detection happens at runtime, sentinels can’t find mutations in code that isn’t executed. We left the detection on in production for about a month to catch as many mutations as possible.
  • It wasn’t feasible to wrap every object in our app with a sentinel, which means the unwrapped objects are still susceptible to undetected mutations.


  • While a sentinel behaves the same as the original object, it is not equal to it.
makeSentinel(myObj) !== myObj
  • Shallow copies of sentinels are not themselves sentinels…but the nested objects of the shallow copy are sentinels.
const obj = {nested: {}};
const wrappedObj = makeSentinel(obj);

// copiedObj is not a sentinel
const copiedObj = {...wrappedObj};
copiedObj.value = "oops"; // mutation is NOT detected

// copiedObj.nested is a sentinel because it was copied from wrappedObj
copiedObj.nested.value = "oops"; // MUTATION DETECTED!
  • Appending a File that is wrapped by a sentinel to FormData does not work properly (tested on Mac Chrome 60.0.3112.113). We got around this issue by ignoring File instances in shouldIgnore.
const file = new File(["some data"], "testfile");
const wrappedFile = makeSentinel(file);
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("origFile", file);
formData.append("wrappedFile", wrappedFile);

// File {name: "testfile", …}
// "[object File]" <--- ???


Another option is to use static analysis to detect mutations (e.g. eslint-plugin-immutable).

For us, this approach surfaced too many mutations and did not allow us to easily remove mutations on a route by route basis.