
Django CRUD for the Ladynerds organization

Primary LanguagePython


Ladynerds are an organization comprised of women who graduated from the Hackbright Academy coding bootcamp. There are roughly 300 of us working in a variety of roles within the tech industry, primarily in San Francisco, but in other locations as well.

This CRUD webapp is a collective project that will have the following features as part of the MVP:

We've chosen to use the old terminal color scheme of green on a black background.

The green color hex value: #00ff00 The terminal font is in google fonts: https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/VT323

Nice to haves:

  • Slack integration

Currently has:

  • Login /logout
  • About page url
  • Profile page
  • working navbar

How to Contribute:

Fork the repo (there's a button in the upper right part of your screen)

  • This makes a copy of the repo on your github
  • It makes it so you can push up changes without needing to be an official/listed contributor

Clone repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/[your-username-here]/ladynerds_site.git ladynerds_site
$ cd ladynerds_site

We're currently working off of the 'static' branch, so check that out:

$ git checkout static

If that doesn't work (because you only have a master branch, locally), try:

$ git checkout --track origin/static

How to Run the site locally:

Acvtivate a virtual environment and install dependencies:

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

After you've installed Django:

$ python manage.py runserver

And now you can view the site locally at http://localhost:8000/

How to keep your repos in sync :

Before you can make a pull request, pull and merge any updates from the orginal repo:

Keep in mind that if there are changes to both static and master, you will need to go through the fetch, merge, and push steps of this process in both branches

General Stuff to keep in mind:

  • Check out the 'issues' for features that we'd like to work on, or are already working on.
    • IMPORTANT: Before you start working on your local repo, make a local branch for the issue you are working on. Do all of your work for that issue on that branch. This will make pull requests less confusing for everyone later on.
  • If you do some work, submit a pull request and be sure to comment with whatever work you've done. This will make it easier for other folks to help without duplicating code.
    • If you keep working, keep pushing! The pull request will keep updated.
    • Make sure your pull request is comparing your local issue branch to the the original repos 'static' branch.
  • If you're a contributor, please get a code review before accepting your own pull requests :)

Have fun!