
Minimal application for chatting

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a chat application with a Node.js backend. It can be used live on http://noobchatapp.herokuapp.com


This app is intended to be a minimal chat app that can be used briefly to chat with people. More features will be added as time moves on.

Run on local machine

Running this on your local machine will be specific to the database you make it run on, meaning that your account will not be in the official database of the project.
To run this program, we will clone the repository and then enter its directory by doing this:

git clone https://github.com/tayinde/noobchat.git && cd noobchat

Now you will need to make a .env, though specifically do it with this command:

echo -e "DATABASE_KEY=mongodb://\nDB=ChatDB" > .env

Now open the .env file with any text editor you desire, and you should see a file that looks like this:


If you want to change the database URI to your own database, you can do that, as the above URI serves only as a local database. If you do this, you can skip the following steps about making the local database to work.

Now you will need to install MongoDB, using the instructions for your operating system from this link. After installing MongoDB, you can use this tutorial to help run the MongoDB server.

After you have your Mongo server running, make sure you have Node.js installed, and type npm start in your parent directory. The app should be running on http://localhost:8080