
A generalized system to create object pools directly from Addressable AssetReferences. Includes a Zenject factory implementation as well.

Primary LanguageC#Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A generalized system to create object pools directly from Unity's Addressable AssetReferences. Includes a Zenject factory implementation as well.

AddressableAssetPool is the primary pooling mechanism. It takes an AssetReference, initial size, factory implementaiton of your choice, and a transform parent. Make sure it is initialized before spawning objects. You can check initialization status via AsyncInitializationHandle, or IsInitialized property. Alternatively you can also assign a callback method to OnInitialized.

The asset you want to pool needs to have a PooledObject monobehaviour component. This is the component that tracks what pool the object is instantiated under, and handles spawning and despawning mechanisms.

If you want any other components on the asset to execute logic during spawn and despawn phases, you can implement the IPoolable interface for those behaviours.

AddressableAssetFactory is a sample implementation of the IAddressableAssetFactory interface, written for use along Zenject/Extenject Dependency Injection framework.

PooledParticle is an example class derived from PooledObject. When attached to particle systems, it allows the particle system to be returned to the pool when the effect has stopped playing or after a specified amount of time.