

About Space-X-Capsules

Space-X-Capsules are mirror of SpaceX API Capsule Datas. Datas pull every three minutes. Also includes API Documentation in https://{your.domain}/api/documentation.

You Can access tbl:01 endpoints replacing with https://{your.domain}/api/.


Name Link
Get All Capsules API
Get Capsules By Status API
Get Capsule By Serial API

How To Setup

git clone
cd space-x-capsules

# Do not forget to arrange your .env file with valid database
cp .env.example .env

composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan passport:install
php artisan l5-swagger:generate
php artisan space-x:sync-capsule-data
php artisan serve

How To Use

  • Go to documentation url /api/documentation (if you are using Laravel Develoment Server:

  • Register

    • Use POST /api/register.
  • Login

    • If you want to use JWT, you can use POST /api/login and click Authorize button top right and paste it bearerAuth section with Bearer {Your JWT}.

    • Also you can use passport(OAuth2) to login. Click on Authorize button top right. If your APP_DEBUG is true in .env file client_id and client_secret will fill automatically. You can login with using your login credentials.