- for locale language change
sdk: flutter
flutter_localizations: # Add this line
sdk: flutter # Add this line
import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';
return const MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Country Phone Code Input',
supportedLocales: [
const Locale('en'),
const Locale('el'),
const Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh', scriptCode: 'Hans'), // Generic Simplified Chinese 'zh_Hans'
const Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh', scriptCode: 'Hant'), // Generic traditional Chinese 'zh_Hant'
localizationsDelegates: [
Locale('es', ''), // Spanish, no country code
home: HomeScreen(),
fillColor: Colors.white,
initialCountryCode: 'TR',
exclude: ['EN', 'FR'],
onCountry: (country) {
- TextEditingController textController
input validator for error
- Function(String?)? validator;
- Function(String? country)? phoneCode;
Country is like ['TR'] for TURKEY.
Exclude: Can be used to exclude(remove) one or more country
from the countries list (optional).
Style of country phone code
countryListTheme: Can be used to customize the country
list's bottom sheet and widgets that lie within it. (optional).
- final CountryListThemeData? countryListTheme;
Selected and inital Country flag size