
Included are a LaTeX template for course notes and course homework.

Course Notes Template

The Course notes template relies on the notes.sty file. This needs to be placed in the same folder/directory as the .tex file which will be using it or in your TeX tree. The style file includes the packages:

  • amsmath
  • amssymb
  • amsthm
  • amsfonts
  • xcolor
  • inputenc
  • fontenc
  • lmodern
  • nameref
  • mdframed
  • adjustbox
  • fancyhdr

as such, you will not need to load these packages separately. Additionally, notes.sty includes a proof and example environment which will provide you a boxed/colored environment to separate your proofs/examples from your main content.

![Example Environment](/Course Notes/example_environment.png)

Homework Template

The Homework template is a modified version of the hmcpset class created by the math department of Harvey Mudd College. This needs to be placed in the same folder/directory as the .tex file which will be using it or in your TeX tree. The style file includes the packages:

  • ifpdf