
a lightweight, fun-to-use application for tracking and sharing your houseplants. uses node & PUG templates.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GoodSeeds is a lightweight, fun-to-use application for tracking and sharing your houseplants.

Check out the live site here: GoodSeeds

goodseeds gif

Technologies Used

Back end

The back end was built using JavaScript and a postgreSQL database. Sequelize was the ORM used to interact with the database and Express was the framework used to manage the API routes.

Front end

The front end was built using JavaScript with Pug HTML templates. Styling was implemented using vanilla CSS.


This app was deployed to Heroku using the Heroku CLI.


GoodSeeds allows users to:

  • Create an account
  • Log in and log out
  • Create and delete Plants
  • Create and delete Shelves
  • Edit their own Shelves by adding or removing Plants
  • Create, edit, and delete Reviews for Plants
  • Leave Comments on their own or others' Shelves

Key Components

User Authorization

For extra security, user passwords are hashed using bcrypt before being stored in the database. When a user logs in, the entered password is hashed and compared against the stored encrypted password. A user can upload a profile image when creating their account.

Viewing and Creating Plants

Users can scroll through Plants already in the database, search for specific Plants, and add a Plant to the database if the one they are looking for does not exist. When adding a new Plant, the user can upload an image using a simple input powered by AWS S3.

Reviewing Plants

Users can review Plants in order to capture their thoughts, excite others, and build up a cumulative Plant rating over time that others can use to assess new Plants they discover. Reviews can be edited and deleted only by the User who wrote them.

Building a Plant Shelf

Users can create a new plant shelf at the click of a button. Then it's easy to add Plants to that shelf from any Plant page. Users can remove a Plant from their shelf by clicking a button, which requests confirmation before deleting.

Interacting with Other Users' Shelves

Users can view any other Users' Shelves and leave comments on them without causing the page to refresh, thanks to AJAX.


For more details, please see our Wiki pages:


While we are excited to present GoodSeeds as it exists today, there's more we'd like to accomplish:

  • Allow a User to create private Reviews on their Plants
  • Improve styling for better accessibility and screen responsiveness
  • Implement Plant Tags to improve searchability