
Does not load all movies first time.

Opened this issue · 6 comments

UHAXM1 commented

I have found an issue where apon loading the web browser it loads the first 300 or so movies then stops, if I refresh the page it will load some more, I have to refresh the page 10 to 15 tines to load all my movies (around 1200 in total). No errors are produced, I am unsure how to debug this issue, any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks @UHAXM1! Give me a little time as I'm working on a full refactor written with React and node. Would you be willing to help me test it when I got a MVP working?

UHAXM1 commented

i run into the same problem.
i have more then one folder and each with a lot of content inside.

for now i have created an own docker for each folder.
but when scanning - the app only found around 1/2 the movies.
can not say if all movies are found after some refresh.

but if u need an addidional guy for testing: just give me a push

Thanks @UHAXM1! Give me a little time as I'm working on a full refactor written with React and node. Would you be willing to help me test it when I got a MVP working?

please don't stop developing this great project. I use it every time I add a movie to my collection. I was looking for a good trailer downloader for so long. I even bought TMM just for that reason ;-)
But your Docker is simply WORLD CLASS!
A few small improvements would be nice... or an integration into *arr apps (dream) ;-)))

If there is anything to help you, let me know!!

It has been a while since any movement on this app.

Yup, been very busy with work at the moment..... Sorry 😞