Complete high-performance data platform combining multi-model database access, interoperability, and analytics
interoperable -access data with oython java .net and other languages inckuding objectscrip
-odbc/jdbc and soap/rest web services
-message based architecture for orchestration between intersystems iris and other systems -includes ata routing transformation and workflow -ideal for develp[ing enter service bus or employing service oreinted architecture
-transactioins and analytics together -includes business intelligence and machine learning capbilities (iris only)
-horizonstal scaling distributed caching for user volume sharding for data volume is IRIS only
-easily provision and deploy containerized instances on public or private cloudes using InterSystems K8s operator or InterSystems Cloud Manager
-integrated development environments IDEs
- intersystems terminal -management portal browser based tools
-unix, linxux, windows, docker container in linux
- classes, class and instance methods, packages, persisten and serial classes, inheritance, properties, object references, storage, tables, population, indexes, constructors, JSON, class references
- dynamic SQL, embedded SQL, class queries, SQL shell
- concurrency control, transactions
-terminal displays error messages
-always extra information at the end of the *
Error Docs Reference
- after an erropr, terminal promp icnludes some cryptic information, indidcation that debugger is active:
- enter q to dismiss debugger and go back to standard prompt, CMD debugger is fine, but there are better ones in VS Code
-almost everything is case-sensitive
- variables, methods, rotuines, packages, classess
- command and functions are not case sensitive
- ##class
is not case-sensitive
-at first, pretend everything is case sensitive
simplest form: class def contains methods
method is a function
- arguments and variables used inside code are privately scoped
- method overloading is not allowed
- cant's create multiple methods with same name in same class
create classes using IDEs
write methods using ObjectScript
place sample class here later
set, return, for, write
are command but so are
$length, $reverse
- to run class methods, use ##class syntax
instance methods
-start signature with Method
keyword, for instance
MEthod arguments
- each method argument has:
- name
- type, default is %String
- optional default value
- constant, quotes string, number
- objectscript expression inside {}
method argument not required -can call methods passing all, some, or no arguments `do ##class(package.class).method(x, , y)
-method signature can either provide default for each argyment or use $Data
function to check argument
ClassMethod Test(a as %Ineger = 1, b as %String)
if $data(b) { code when b is defined }
else { code when b is not defined }
- Passing extra arguments causes error:
USER>do ##class(Simple.Demo) ....
Pass by Value or Reference
- pass by value (default)
- value of argument passed in for input only
- Pass by reference
- reference to argument passed in
- use
they don't actually do anything, they are more for documentation
- string is default data type for variables
- used for practically everything: strings, integers, floating point numbersm bools
- dynamically typed: no variable declaration
- including arrays, which are called "sparse arrays"
- weakly typed: uysage determines evaluation
set x - "Taylor"
se y = "Carroll"
write x _ y
gives you:
is a concat
set x = 3 set y = 4 write x + y gives 7 write x _ y gives 34 write x _ y - 1 gives 33
never had to declar var types
set a = "123abc" set b = "def456"
write a_b gives 123abcdef456
write a + b gives 123
write +a gives 123
write +b gives 0 as there are no numeric charas at beginning of the string
variales can be scalar or an array
write # clear the terminal
set a = "my array" set a(1) = 3 set a(1,3,5) = 7 set a(8) = "text" set a(5) = ""
write a returns my array
zwrite a returns: a="my array" a(1)=3 a(1,3,5) = 7 a(8) = "text" a(5) = ""
write a(2) returns undefined because it hasn't been set yet
variables can also be:
- object references including JSON objects and arrays
- list string
- creae with $list* functions
- bit string
- create with $bit func
pass array by reference
- pass array by reference, using period before array variable
sect c=4, c(1) = 101, c(3,5) = 303, c(4) = "last"
do obj.Test("first", .c)
- without period, only scalar value of variable is passed
variable number of arguments (... syntax)
variable names are case sensitive var names contain letters or numbers but first character must be a letter or % max length of var name is 31 characters, won't get an error trying to do this but won't successfully set that var either