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Osborne API SDK

PHP SDK for the Osborne Wood ERP API.


This SDK requires PHP 7.0 or greater

API Specs

Swagger API Specs are available at https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/jordan-hoff


Because this repository is private, it is not registered on Packagist. You will need to add a repository reference to your project's composer.json file first:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": "https://github.com/happycog/osborne-api-sdk.git"

Then, use composer to require the most recent version of the SDK.

composer require happycog/osborne-api-sdk


The swagger generated code leaves a little to be desired, so it has been extended to support an interface that is inspired by Laravel Eloquent. This will abstract most of the logic needed to interact with the API, and allows the developer to focus on writing clean, organized code.

Note: Currently only basic CRUD operations are supported. No filtering / pagination / etc.

Interaction with the API is handled through classes that extend HappyCog\OsborneApi\ErpService\Model.

Model Operations

Get all models

Use the all method to get an array of models:

use HappyCog\OsborneApi\ErpService\Model\Customer;

$customers = Customer::all();

foreach ($customers as $customer) {
    echo $customer->firstName;

Find a specific model

Use the find method to get a model:

use HappyCog\OsborneApi\ErpService\Model\Customer;

$customer = Customer::find(123);

echo $customer->firstName;

Create a model instance

Use the create method to create a model:

use HappyCog\OsborneApi\ErpService\Model\Customer;

$customer = Customer::create([
    'firstName' => 'foobar',

Save a model instance

Use the save method to create a new model or save an existing one:

use HappyCog\OsborneApi\ErpService\Model\Customer;

$customer = new Customer([
    'firstName' => 'foobar',


// OR

$customer = Customer::find(123);

$customer->firstName = 'foobar';


Update a model instance

Use the update method to save changes to an existing model:

use HappyCog\OsborneApi\ErpService\Model\Customer;

$customer = Customer::find(123);

    'firstName' => 'foobar',

Delete a model instance

Use the delete method to delete an existing model:

use HappyCog\OsborneApi\ErpService\Model\Customer;

$customer = Customer::find(123);


Destroy a model instance

Use the destroy method to delete a model by id:

use HappyCog\OsborneApi\ErpService\Model\Customer;


Nested resources

TODO more documentation

Generally, any nested resources are supported as well using the same syntax:

// Returns a collection of shipping addresses


Unit and Integration tests are available via phpunit for this SDK. Additionally, php-cs-fixer and phpmd are used to maintain code quality and consistency.

To run the full test suite, simply run the following command:

php artisan test

To run phpunit (optionally) with only the "Unit tests" suite:

php artisan test:phpunit --testsuite "Unit Tests"

To run php-cs-fixer and (optionally) automatically fix all issues:

php artisan test:php-cs-fixer --fix

To run phpmd:

php artisan test:phpmd

Integration Tests

The integration tests will by default rely on SwaggerHub Auto Mocking which has a rate limit of 10 requests per minute. The test suite will automatically wait and retry when rate limited.

For better performance, it is recommended that you spin up a docker instance of danielgtaylor/apisprout by running the following command ( using the current api spec version ):

docker run --env SPROUT_VALIDATE_REQUEST=1 -d -p 8000:8000 danielgtaylor/apisprout https://api.swaggerhub.com/apis/jordan-hoff/osborne_erp_service_api/1.0.6

Then, you can create a .env.testing file that contains the following:


Code Generation

This library uses code generated with Swagger Codegen. Make sure swagger codegen installed on your machine ( via homebrew ) along with jq. There are two scripts included to generate both the production client as well as unit test fixtures.

Production Client

Client code is generated from https://api.swaggerhub.com/apis/jordan-hoff/osborne_erp_service_api/x.x.x. To re-generate, run the generate-client.sh script. This script will automatically use the latest version of the client spec.


Unit Test Fixtures

Similar to the client code, there are test fixtures generated from https://api.swaggerhub.com/apis/jordan-hoff/test_fixtures/x.x.x. To re-generate, run the generate-fixtures.sh script. This script will automatically use the latest version of the fixtures spec.
