
Mock online store app selling washing machines with faceted navigation built using React, Serverless Framework and Elasticsearch

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a toy/mock online store app. It's main point of interest is the faceted navigation which is driven by an Elasticsearch query on the backend.

The frontend is deployed to gh-pages and the backend is deployed to AWS using Serverless Framework.


I initially wrote this as an AngularJS 1.x app back in 2017. The code is available in this repo. Originally, the backend was an Express app and the whole thing was deployed to Heroku. Then, in 2022, Heroku removed all their free tier offerings so I moved the app to Render. The spin-up time seemed to be longer on Render than Heroku so I repackaged the backend code as a serverless function and deployed it to AWS using Serverless Framework so that I could deploy the frontend to gh-pages where it is always available.


  • Change the sort order
  • Filter by a search term
  • Show faceted information - counts of products by brand, colour, price, etc.
  • Filter by facets - allow results to be filtered by selecting brand, colour, price, etc.
  • Responsive UI: filters are embedded in the page when the screen size is md or above otherwise they are shown in a slide out panel
  • Infinite scrolling - scroll to the bottom of the page to load more results
  • URL history - each time a change is made to the search term, sort order or facet selections, a new URL is pushed to the browser history allowing:
    • Bookmarking of URLs
    • Sharing of URLs
    • Navigation backwards and forwards through URLs



  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Vite
  • Material UI
  • react-query
  • Vitest + React Testing Library + msw
  • Cypress + Cypress Testing Library
  • GitHub Actions


The code for the backend is available in this repo.

  • Node.js
  • Serverless Framework
  • Elasticsearch (hosted on Bonsai)
