
Web visualisation of the k-armed bandit problem

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Web visualisation of the k-armed bandit problem from chapter 2 of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction.

This is a little React app created using create-react-app. I use Chart.js to draw the charts. The number crunching is done using multiple web workers. I use workerize-loader to load the web worker code without having to eject the React app.


  • Deploy to gh-pages branch
  • The main part of the code is vanilla JS/HTML inside a React app. This code needs to be moved into React components.
  • Bring in and use react-chartjs-2
  • Add UI support for changing settings:
    • Number of web workers (currently 4)
    • Number of bandit arms aka k (currently 10)
    • Number of runs (currently 2000)
    • Number of steps (currently 1000)
  • Add UI support for changing experiments:
    • Value of ε for ε-Greedy
    • Value of c for Upper Confidence Bound
    • Setting optimistic initial values
    • etc.
  • Add a button to re-run the whole thing
  • Add a progress bar during the number crunching
