CiviCRM Integration for Prefect
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prefect block register --module prefect_civi.CiviAuth
from prefect_civi import CiviAuth
civiauth_block = CiviAuth.load("civitest")
# Get an instance of the prefect_civi.CiviClient class - populated with the configurred CiviCRM credentials configured for this block
result=civiclient.call_api(entity : str,action :str, payload: dict)
Use Civi API explorer to build payload -i.e. /civicrm/api4#/explorer// Use a python dict to represent the json payload that is suggested by the api explorer Install AuthX (builtin) extension.
Install API Key extension: Generate an API Key for a civi contact that is going to be used by the prefect client
Edit permissions i.e. /admin/people/permissions and allow the following permissions for the anonymous role
- AuthX: Authenticate to services with API key
- CiviCRM: access AJAX API
- CiviCRM: access CiviCRM backend and API
AuthX will protect the restapi endpoint. Make sure Authentication guard is on i.e. /civicrm/admin/setting/authx And also make sure: Acceptable credentials (HTTP X-Header) - has API KEY added.