
Top-Down 2D driving delivery game, made in Unity

Primary LanguageC#

Delivery Driver!

Top-Down 2D driving delivery game, made in Unity

Oh no! A truck full of packages seems to have dropped them all over the neighborhood. You need to help collect them from the road and drop them off to customers. Hurry, some people are already wandering into the street, help your neighbors!

(Implemented) Game Mechanics (MUST HAVES):

  • Boost pads (green circles)
  • customers/package drop offs (yellow squares)
  • packages (purple squares)
  • car changes color to mimic packages color, when currently holding a package
  • car can only carry one package at a time
  • Boost pads increase player speed
  • colliding with environmental objects decreases player speed

(Not Implemented) Game Mechanics (NEEDS):

  • environmental barrier; fence around neighborhood?
  • score counter (visible to player)
  • game timer (visible to player)
  • score per package drop off
  • exit menu at game end (way to exit/close application)

(Not Implemented) Game Mechanics (WANT):

  • saved/persisted high score (replayability)
  • able to carry more packages
  • different colored packages worth various amounts
  • title page
  • instructions page
  • improved customer, packages, boost sprites (also could add more variety)
  • high score / credits page
  • stacking boost pads (up to a limit, maybe 3)
  • add W,S,A,D as additional input controls/options

To Test or Play:

! Must have Unity installed on machine for game to play

! Currently still in DEMO/TEST version; use Esc key to close game application

Use up, down, left, and right keys to accelerate, decelerate, turn left, and turn right respectively

  1. Click green "Code" with down arrow (see above, hidden on mobile)
  2. Select "Download Zip"
  3. Extract files to your computer
  4. Open "DeliveryDriver2D_0.9vBuild" folder
  5. Double click on "DeliveryDriver2D.exe"

Thanks for trying the game/test/demo out, hope you enjoyed it!