
Front end capstone project for senior phase Hackreactor.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front End Capstone Project at Hack Reactor.


This project was designed to grow our understanding of building, maintaining, and optimizing a full react application. While the project was completed as a group, each individual was fully responsible for their own component. This allowed each of us to utilize and strengthen our understanding of front end development.

Build status


Component Details

Main Product Overview

Related Products and Your Outfit

Related_Products_Screenshot Related Products displays product cards of similar items that may interest the user. This component includes:

  • Scrollable list of product cards
  • A feature comparison table
  • Conditionally rendered scroll buttons

Your Outfit allows users to save and track individual products based on their interest.This component includes:

  • Add to Outfit card which adds the current product to Your Outfit list
  • A delete card icon that removes the product from the list

For futher information and demos of these components please see: Related_Products_README

Questions & Answers

Ratings & Reviews

Built With


To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps:

Pre-Installation Requirements
Node v14.15.1
NPM v6.14.11
  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/Observant-Ostriches/fec-projectCatwalk.git
  2. Acquire a github personal access token to acquire access to the API. Insert token into example.config.js and rename file to config.js
  3. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  4. Compile Webpack
    npm run build
  5. Start the server
    npm start
  6. Navigate to localhost:3000
