
Call the twilio rest api in go.

Primary LanguageGo

VTwilio - Go

Note: breaking changes may happen in releases before v1.0.0

Version 0.1.0

Call the twilio rest api in go.


Send a message

func sendTwilioMessage() {
	t := vtwilio.NewVTwilio(sid, token, vtwilio.TwilioNumber(twilioNumber))
	message, err := t.SendMessage("Hello world", "12345678910")
	if err != nil {

Get a single message

func GetATwilioMessage() {
	t := vtwilio.NewVTwilio(sid, token, vtwilio.TwilioNumber(twilioNumber))
	message, err := t.GetMessage(messageSID)
	if err != nil {

Get a List of Messages

List Options

  • PageSize(int) - current page, defaults to 10
  • Page(int) - size of the page, defaults to 0
  • OnDate(time.Time) - Get messages on a date
  • OnAndBeforeDate(time.Time) - Get message on and before a given date
  • OnAndAfterDate(time.Time) - Get messages on and after given date
func ListTwilioMessages() {
	t := vtwilio.NewVTwilio(accountSID, authToken, vtwilio.TwilioNumber(twilioNumber))
	messages, err := t.ListMessages(vtwilio.PageSize(1), vtwilio.Page(0))
	if err != nil {

Get Available Numbers

Available Number Options

  • NearNumber
  • NearLatLong
  • Distance
  • InPostalCode
  • InLocality
  • InRegion
  • InRateCenter
  • InLATA
func GetAvailableNumbers() {
	t := vtwilio.NewVTwilio(sid, token)
	numbers, err := t.AvailablePhoneNumbers("US", vtwilio.InRegion("CA"))
	if err != nil {

Incoming Phone Number

After using the AvailablePhoneNumbers method, a number can be chosen and purchased from Twilio using the IncomingPhoneNumber method.

Note: This will not work with a Twilio trial account.

Incoming Phone Number Options

  • AreaCode
  • APIVersion
  • FriendlyName
  • VoiceURL
  • VoiceMethod
  • VoiceFallBackURL
  • VoiceFallBackMethod
  • StatusCallback
  • StatusCallbackMethod
  • VoiceCallerIDLookup
  • VoiceApplicationSID
  • TrunkSID
  • SMSMethod
  • SMSFallbackURL
  • SMSFallbackMethod
  • SMSApplicationSID
  • AccountSID
  • AddressSID

Purchase a number example

func PurchaseNumber(number string) (*vtwilio.IncomingPhoneNumber, error) {
	t := vtwilio.NewVTwilio(sid, token)
	num, err := t.IncomingPhoneNumber(number)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return num, nil

Update an existing number

Updating a number uses the same options as purchasing one.

func UpdateNumber() error {
	t := vtwilio.NewVTwilio(sid, token)
	_, err := t.UpdateIncomingPhoneNumber("+12345678910", "MESSAGE_SID",
		vtwilio.FriendlyName("New Friendly Name"))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

Release a number

This will delete a Twilio number from your account, and allow someone else to potentially buy this number.

func ReleaseNumber() error {
	t := vtwilio.NewVTwilio(sid, token)
	err := t.ReleaseNumber("NUMBER_SID")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil


TwiML Docs

Change Log


  • Fix typo


  • Add from number option for send method to override the client's default
  • Add callback url option to send method


  • TwiML support
  • Incoming phone numbers
  • Update phone number settings
  • Release a phone number


  • Refactoring code
  • Add lookup for available phone numbers

Breaking Changes

  • No longer required to pass a number to VTwilio in the case that you want to look up a number. This is now an option


  • Currently still a work in progress