
Format your svelte components using prettier.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Prettier for Svelte 3 components

Format your svelte components using prettier.


  • Format your html, css, and javascript using prettier
  • Format Svelte syntax, e.g. each loops, if statements, await blocks, etc.
  • Format the javascript expressions embedded in the svelte syntax
    • e.g. expressions inside of {}, event bindings on:click="", and more

How to install

npm i --save-dev prettier-plugin-svelte prettier

How to use

Install prettier-plugin-svelte as a dev dependency in your project.

Then format your code using prettier cli. You may need to add --plugin-search-dir=.

prettier --write --plugin-search-dir=. ./**/*.html


sort-order Sort order for scripts, styles, and markup. Defaults to scripts-styles-markup.

prettier --write --sort-order scripts-markup-styles ./**/*.svelte