
An example setup using TypeScript and Watchify for front-end web development

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypeScript Browserify Template

An example setup using TypeScript and Watchify for front-end web development.

Getting started

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install TypeScript: npm install -g typescript
  3. Install Watchify: npm install -g watchify


  1. Run tsc --watch to compile TypeScript to JavaScript and watch for changes, recompiling when they are detected.
  2. Run watchify out/main.js -o out/bundle.js -v to bundle modules into a single file and watch for changes.
  3. Load index.html in a browser served from a local web server.
    • The Visual Studio Code extension Live Server is great for this.
  4. Update TypeScript files in the src folder and observe changes in your browser.