
This is an experimental cms system. Content is edited in place. The front end is in angularJS and the backend is in sailsJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an experimental cms system. Content is edited in place. The front end is in angularJS and the backend is in sailsJS

There are currently a bunch of dependenices, some stylings, and two important front-end documetns

index.html: This document is styled in github and has three 'cms-container's, each with a 'cms-form' and 'cms-display' and a 'cms-icon' for toggling between the "editing" state of each field. The html itself has not content. The content is injected by angular from a JSON object

test.js: This document has angular code adds the linke ths textAngular functionality to our index.html (this aspect is pretty
straightforward and takes up very little of the code) a lot of this code is some tweaks to the angular app that allows a JSON object to be injected into the page and also gets the value of each form field when it is switced out of "edit" mode