
GenTo is a platform that facilitates creating Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). It creates user-defined Smart Contracts and automatically deploys them to the blockchain. The platform allows running an Initial Coin Offering for a DAO and implements basic governance mechanisms, that enable token holders to decide over the usage of the organizsation's funds. The application assets are deployed to the InterPlanetary File System. All of this without the need to write a single line of code!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GenTo is a platform that facilitates creating Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). It creates user-defined Smart Contracts and automatically deploys them to the blockchain. The platform allows running an Initial Coin Offering for a DAO and implements basic governance mechanisms, that enable token holders to decide over the usage of the organizsation's funds. The application assets are deployed to the InterPlanetary File System. All of this without the need to write a single line of code!

With the governance mechanisms we make investing in Initial Coin Offerings safer for investors. Hiding technical details from the user, we make creating Decentralized Autonomous Organizations accessible for a broader, non-technical audience. GenTo provides an intuitive web-based UI that guides the user through the contract creation process step by step.

GenTo has been developed by a student group at the chair for Information Systems Engineering at Technical University of Berlin in collaboration with venture capitalist and startup advisor Globumbus.


Before running GenTo locally you have to get the following software

  • Node.js (v9.4.0 tested)
  • Ganache CLI (v6.1.0 tested)
  • MetaMask (v4.2.0 tested)
  • Truffle (v3.4.11 tested)

Getting Started

  1. Install node dependencies
npm i
  1. Start ganache in another terminal window. Ganache is your local development blockchain, you need to start it whenever you run gento locally.
ganache-cli -m "<your words>"
  1. Build contract bytecode. This has to be done once and afterwards whenever ganache changed. This also deploys some mock data to the blockchain, you can alter the mock data in the file solidity/migrationsToyData/daos.yml
npm run rebuild:contracts
  1. Start the app
npm start

If you get this following error: Module not found: Can't resolve 'app' in '.../GenTo2/src', try

export default NODE_PATH=src
npm start
  1. To repropagate the mockkdata for the DAO Descriptions
cd solidity
node repropagateIPFSFiles.js

Testing contracts

If you want to just run the test, execute

#in another terminal:
npm run test:truffle


Note: The coverage tool is in early development, expect hickups and don't trust it too much.

To generate coverage reports, run

npm run test:coverage

After the tests ran through, you can find the reports in GenTo2/coverage/index.html.

You do not need to start testrpc/ganache, as it runs it's own testrpc.

If you receive a PORT in use error (Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::8555), TestRPC might not have been properly shut down in a previous run. The following command kills the previous testrpc version:

fuser -k -n tcp 8555

Deploy to IPFS

After cloning the repository, run

npm run build

If you have no local IPFS repository (~./ipfs), run

ipfs init

Finally, run

ipfs add -r /path/to/GenTo/build