
A scalar-valued autograd engine, and a neural network library on top of it with PyTorch-like API.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a basic neural network library that provides functionality for creating and training neural networks. The library includes a scalar-valued autograd engine, which allows for automatic computation of gradients using the chain rule.

Base Engine

The Value class serves as the core building block of the autograd engine. It stores a single scalar value and its gradient. The class supports various arithmetic operations such as addition, multiplication, and exponentiation. Additionally, it provides methods like relu() for applying the rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function and backward() for computing gradients using the chain rule.


The Neuron class represents a single neuron in a neural network. During initialization, it takes the number of inputs (n_in) as a parameter and randomly initializes its weights (w) and bias (b) using the Value class. The neuron can be called with an input x, which performs the forward pass through the neuron by calculating the weighted sum of the inputs, adding the bias, and applying the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) activation function.


The Layer class represents a layer of neurons in a neural network. It takes the number of inputs (n_in) and the number of outputs (n_out) as parameters during initialization. The layer consists of multiple Neuron instances, and calling the layer with an input x performs the forward pass by passing the input through each neuron in the layer.

MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron)

The MLP class represents a multi-layer perceptron, which is a type of neural network architecture. It takes the number of inputs (n_in) and a list of output dimensions (n_outs) for each layer as parameters during initialization. The MLP class contains multiple Layer instances, and calling the MLP with an input x performs the forward pass by passing the input through each layer successively.


Here's an example demonstrating how to use this neural network library:

from engine import Value
from neuralnet import MLP

# Create an MLP with 2 inputs, 2 hidden layers (3 neurons each), and 1 output
model = MLP(2, [3, 3, 1])

# Generate sample input
x = [Value(0.5), Value(0.3)]

# Perform forward pass
output = model(x)

# Print the output

# Compute gradients using backpropagation

# Access the gradients of the model's parameters
parameters = model.parameters()
for param in parameters: