
Hope you guys having fun with this Repo. It is not finished yet. Things working so far are wixel Python communication (I think needs a bit more testing but runs well). Sending data as wifi-wixel to xdrip. Calculate cgm Blood Glucose based of xdrip calc and hardcoded intercept and slope.

Implemented functionality

  • calculate calibrations double calibration
  • calculate single calibrations.
  • Start/Stop Sensor
  • All data stored in sqllite db
  • calculate CGM BG based on received raw data and determined calibration
  • upload entries to mongo
  • export data from sqllite2json

If using rpi to get Started you will need to:

  1. deactivate ttyAMA0 on Kernel via raspconfig Otherwise the one and only UART is used for Kernel messages and login

If using Intel Edison you can use /dev/ttyMFD1

  1. you have to change ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyMFD2', 9600) to ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyMFD1', 9600) and change os.system('systemctl stop serial-getty@ttyMFD2.service') to #os.system('systemctl stop serial-getty@ttyMFD2.service')

If using Intel Edison you can use /dev/ttyMFD2

  1. Script will deaktivate Kernel Konsole on ttyMFD2 on startup.

  2. You can use xBridge2 excample or xBridgeOaps excample. For best results use xBridgeOaps there is a bootup delay implemented to prevent edison to not boot while edison is sending beacon telegramms at startup to console ttyMFD2.

  3. Connect Wixel to pi via GPIO See -> Hardware for rpi or See edison_hardware.pdf

  4. Use for test. Put your Transmitter ID as an constant in the Script.

  5. Take the red pill and stay in Wonderland. :-)


use org wixel pinout atached directly to pi

Wixel / PI Pin connections

Wixel TX Pin 1_6 -> PI GPIO PIN 10 RX

Wixel RX Pin 1_7 -> PI GPIO PIN 8 TX

Wixel 3V3 Pin -> PI GPIO Pin 17 3v3 Power

Wixel GND Pin -> PI GPIO Pin 14 GND