
A simple skeleton/template for a masterless Puppet setup using systemd.

Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT

Masterless Puppet with systemd

This repository is intended as a sort of "template" for masterless Puppet setups on systemd-based distributions. This exact setup has been used on CentOS, but it should work on many other distributions (such as Debian >= 8) as well.

This setup is opinionated and requires that the infrastructure adheres to things such as a strict naming schema and version-controlled Puppet manifests in a git repository.


To bootstrap this repository on a machine, make sure you have installed Puppet as well as librarian-puppet.

# On Debian 8+
apt-get install puppet librarian-puppet git

# On CentOS 7+ (EPEL required)
yum install epel-release git && yum install puppet
gem install librarian-puppet

Make sure that the root user has an SSH key that can access your git-repo. On BitBucket, you can use the deployment-key feature for read-only access keys.

Clone the repository using git to the destination folder, /etc/puppet. You may have to remove this folder first.

rm -rf /etc/puppet && git clone git@githost.com:company/puppet.git /etc/puppet

After this, you may proceed by running Puppet manually once. This should set up everything:

puppet apply --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules /etc/puppet/manifests

You should now have a host with a masterless Puppet setup. Use this for example to create a base image that other machines can be created from.


Hostnames are used to determine the role of a machine. Therefore you need to stick to the strict host naming schema defined in role.rb. You may amend the regular expression in that module to fit your needs.

More documentation

Please see puppet.md for more detailed documentation on this Puppet setup.