
The Website for TorontoJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Overview of the Repo

|-- build // deployable contents that are gitignored but will show up locally.
|-- flow-typed
|-- public
  |-- images
  |-- pages // contains markdown content that appears after `torontojs.com/p/`
|-- src
  |-- _old       // Deprecated views 
  |-- components // `Splash.js` contains navigation links
  |-- theme
  App.js // top level app entry point
|-- package.json
|-- README.md -- You are here.

Built with create-react-app.

Clone / Install

git clone https://github.com/torontojs/torontojs.com.git
cd torontojs.com
yarn install

Run in development mode

yarn start

This command should choose a port and open your default browser with the page open.

Deploy to github pages (Requires contributor access)

yarn deploy
