Stories in Ready


  • Ruby
  • Nodejs

To run the application after pulling:

  1. bundle install
  2. bundle exec jekyll serve

And access the application at http://localhost:4000/

Submitting your member profile

Note: Unfamiliar/uncomfortable with Git/Github and pull requests? Feel free to open an issue with the below values filled out or ask on Slack.

Member data is located under _collections/members. Copy an existing profile, name it something unique (preferably using your username on the devanooga Slack) and fill it out using these properties:

  • name (required) Your full name as it should appear on the site.
  • gravatar (required) Your gravatar hash. Use this tool to get your gravatar hash. For example, @StrangeWill’s result is; the hash is this part: 6789f8bd72612e941f9a7ae6f414b2ea.
  • website (optional) The full URL (including the protocol: http:// or https://) to your website.
  • profile:
    • github (optional) Github account name.
    • bitbucket (optional) Bitbucket account name.
    • gitlab (optional) Gitlab account name.
    • twitter (optional) Twitter account name.
    • linkedin (optional) LinkedIn account name, for example would be MyAccountHere
    • stackoverflow (optional) StackOverflow account name.

If you have recommendations for new fields, please submit an issue or a pull request!