- 0
- 0
direction issue
#244 opened by MarcusGV - 1
Disabled attribute doesnt work as expected
#243 opened by shus-cbs - 1
The website is blocked in India
#234 opened by ddeepeshkumar - 1
Potentially not compatible with Ivy warning
#226 opened by BenRacicot - 1
Angualr 12/13/14 new lib format
#237 opened by kbrilla - 2
is this lib dead ?
#238 opened by kbrilla - 1
- 0
Angular 14 [(ngModel])
#239 opened by bekzatsk - 4
Angular Build WARNING - depends on 'nouislider'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts. For more info see:
#223 opened by ofirrifo - 1
- 0
Destroy nouislider with ngOnDestroy
#180 opened by WynieCronje - 0
Add handles dynamically in reactive form
#228 opened by frischka - 5
Add or remove handles dinamically
#184 opened by marcoshier - 3
- 1
ng2-nouislider vertical, direction rtl issue
#227 opened by Huyjoon1995 - 1
TypeError: Cannot read property 'from' of undefined at NouisliderComponent.toValues
#225 opened by stijnbollen - 3
- 1
Angular 9 support
#222 opened by cahergil - 1
- 2
Return all parameters in event
#218 opened by jegger-wc - 2
- 0
Materialize design
#219 opened by zagoa - 1
- 4
Bad NPM publish
#212 opened by willyboy - 4
suddenly started having error TS2305: Module '"../../node_modules/ng2-nouislider/ng2-nouislider"' has no exported member 'NouisliderModule'.
#213 opened by chintandbhatt-zz - 2
- 1
License File
#208 opened by JoergPfaehler - 0
keyboardSupport and tabindex
#207 opened by igormap42 - 0
- 6
- 1
Can't bind to 'margin' since it isn't a known property of 'nouislider'.
#205 opened by Prashant-Yadav - 0
[Deprecation] Element.createShadowRoot
#204 opened by kumarsurjit - 0
- 0
Type errors running test on fresh clone
#201 opened by hisham - 0
npm install fails on Mac OSX
#200 opened by hisham - 0
- 1
- 3
SSR: ERROR ReferenceError: document is not defined
#185 opened by vsilva472 - 1
Extend peer dependencies to Angular 7
#194 opened by agil-NUBBA - 1
nouislider noUI-connect class
#195 opened by ramparvataneni - 1
Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined
#183 opened by M-S - 0
Please add version tags to the repository
#193 opened by x-yuri - 1
Unexpected value 'NouisliderModule' imported by 'UIComponentModule'. Please add a @NgModule annotation.
#192 opened by cognition-dublin - 0
Formatter does not work together with ngModel
#191 opened by bjolletz - 1
how to install on angular 6?
#190 opened by dudipsh - 1
- 3
Styling does not go throguh Angular6
#182 opened by sapmaik - 0
#188 opened - 1