
Discord bot for managing user points

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Discord bot for managing user points.


Points are awarded to users for activity in the guild/server. Sending messages, being in voice channels, and interactions with the bot (/coinflip)



Responds to show the bot is online

/balance user

Displays a user's current balance. Tags the user. user parameter is optional to choose which user's balance to display


Displays the top 3 users and their points in the current guild

/coinflip points

Bets the amount of points on a 50/50 chance. winning adds points to the user's balance, losing subracts points

/blackjack points

Bets the amount of points on a hand of blackjack. Multiple users can join the hand before cards are dealt.

/baccarat player, banker, tie

Bets the amount of points on a round of baccarat. All bets are optional to allow maximum flexibility in betting style.