== Requirements
- Rails 2.3.5 (sudo gem install rails)
- Grackle (sudo gem install grackle)
- delayed_job (sudo gem install delayed_job)

== Install
- git clone git://github.com/suitmymind/devdiari.es.git
- cd devdiari.es
- copy or symlink Cappuccino frameworks (AppKit, Foundation and Objective-J) in cappuccino/Frameworks/
- use config/database.yml.sample to create your config/database.yml file
- use config/passwd.yml.sample to create your config/passwd.yml file (used to restrict access to the scaffold generated Rails controllers)
- run 'rake db:migrate' to create the database
- create a symlink to 'cappuccino/Build/Release/Desktop Browser/Project' in public
- run script/server
- open

== Fetch new tweets
New tweets are fetched when a twitterer is updated and his status is set to active. It will create a new delayed job in the database. You can run the job by running rake jobs:work